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Early Years SEND Top-up Funding

All early years providers have access to support, advice and guidance from the North Somerset Early Years Area Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs)The Graduated response document outlines how early years providers can access this support as part of their graduated response.

To request additional support and advice from the Area SENCO Team as part of the graduated response for a particular child, early years providers will need to complete an early years inclusion support request form together with the parents/carers. This form can be found within the Early years inclusion support and early years SEND top-up funding key documents.

If you are applying for the early years SEND Top-up funding (TUF), please refer to the Early Years SEND top-up funding criteria, follow the Top-up funding guidance which outlines the early years SEND top-up funding process and complete the relevant top-up funding application form.

The current early years SEND TUF hourly rates can be downloaded from the early years funding page.

As part of the early years SEND top-up funding process, if a child has not been referred to Multi-agency information and support in the early years (MAISEY) yet, please make a referral to MAISEY.

MAISEY supports provision planning from early identification of need until school entry. This includes Top-up funding.

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